Distinguish readers; I am honored to present to you this paper titled,


Let me start by saying that the best legal guide for any business person who is interested in success is to undertake an actual consultation with his lawyers before leaping into any intended business transaction.  This advice is very important in view of the fact that there are no where in the world where legal questions and situation are the same, in most cases they are only similar, but distinguishable.

As you will no doubt agree with me, this event is very relevant at this point in time in the life of we as individuals and also as corporate entities, my conviction is that with the dawn of democratic governance in Nigeria and the ongoing economic diversification programme of the government occassioned by the prevailing inability of the government to meet the forex needs of our seeming insatiable demand for foreign goods moreso those that can be easily manufactured in Nigeria,  this emerging economic scenerio surely holds a lot in stock for the imaginative and hardworking small and medium scale entrepreneur.

In this paper, we shall be lookig at possible legal issues that may become necessary in the course of either planning to go into business or running an already existing business as a promoter of an SME business.


There is no universal definition of what or who an SME is, the definitions are mostly jurisdiction based.

For the purposes of Nigeria, an Small Scale Industry/Enterprise is described as an Industry with a total capital base of =N=1.5 Million and not more than =N=50 Million wit total cost including working bcapital, but excluding cost of land and having a work force of between 11 and 100 workers. While a medium Scale Industry/ Enterprise is an industry with a total capital employed of over =N=50 Million  and not more than +N=200 Million, but excluding cost of land and having a work force of between 101 and 300 workers 

We shall start by looking at the various legal means by which a small and/or medium scale business person can exist and the legal implication of these various ways & means of doing business. We shall also be discussing the essential means by which you can protect yourself  in business relationship through contracting and finally how you can protect the rights to your products i.e. how to protect your intellectual property right and some Statutory legal  and regulatory requirements


This can be described as a “One –man show “, as you know the law can not force you to be friend to anybody, neither can it stop you from being friend to only yourself, that is the foundation for allowing sole proprietorship of  business in law.

Sole proprietor as the name implies is a business carried out strictly by one man. This can be carried out by the man either in his own natural names e.g.”Adebisi Iyaniwura “or under an alias i.e. trading under the name of ‘BISI IYANIWURA & CO. or “CHUKWU ALLAH &SONS”.

Where a persons carries on business as a Sole Proprietor in his natural name, the law does not require such a person to register, but where the person carry’s on business under an assumed name otherwise called business name, he is by the provision of S. 572 of the Company’s and Allied Matters Act 2004 (C.A.M.A) required to register such a name.


 Please note that there are legal restrictions on the names to be used. See S.579 of the CAMA 2004.

 Part B of the Company’s and Allied Matters Act 2004 deals with the registration and regulation of the activities of a person who desires to carry on business under an assumed business name.

Sole proprietorship has the following advantages and disadvantages;


  1. Requires small capital to start compared to partnership or Limited Liability Company.
  1. Ownership is not distinct from control and as such, the sole proprietor put his best into

    the management of the business.

  1. Since the sole proprietor takes decision affecting the business without having to consult any other person. This enhances the smooth running of the business as it avoids delay or internal wrangling or conflict that may arise in partnership & limited liability companies.
  1. The sole proprietor knows that the success of the business is his personal achievement and thus cannot cheat or enter into liability that may affect the overall interest of the business, whereas in partnership, since one of the partners can be regarded as an agent of the partnership, he can commit fraud or other misconduct in the name of the partnership such may affect the overall interest of the partnership.
  1. There is minimum legal restriction
  1. A sole proprietor enjoys privacy and flexibility in his business dealings.   DISADVANTAGES
  1. The capital of the sole proprietor is small and it may not make room for expansion.
  1. The death of the sole proprietor means the death of the business but a partnership may continue even after the death of any of the partners while a limited liability company will surely outlive its members.
  1. Weak decision making process in view of the fact that there is nobody to be consulted by the sole proprietor, he may take a decision that  may lead the business to bankruptcy as opposed to partnership where there is a cross fertilization of ideas by partners and in the case of a limited liability company.
  1. The liability of a sole proprietor like that in the partnership is not limited to their business, their personal assets can be attached or affected by the business prospects.
  1. Poor working conditions and absence of training may lead to disability in terms of attracting qualified Man power.
  2. Partnership can be defined or said to be a “Relationship which exist between two or more people carrying on business in common with a view to profit “ S.3 (1) Partnership Law Lagos State.

Thus before partnership can exist, 3 condition must be met

(1) There must be a business

(2)  The business must be carried on in common by two or more persons

(3) The business must be carried on with a view to profit.

By virtue of section of section 19(1) of C.A.M.A, the minimum number of people allowed in a partnership is two (2) while the maximum number of people is twenty (20) people.

The question of what constitutes a partnership has been judicially examined in the case of


where the court of appeal stated that the mere fact that two (2) traders use the same place of business does not necessarily make them “partners” without more, in essence, the court of appeal is saying that there must be overt acts on the part of the parties in line with the conditions earlier enumerated before a partnership can be inferred, in the absence of an expressed agreement as to intention to create a partnership.

One of the more peculiar characteristics is the joint liability of parties. It is the principle of law that partners are jointly liable, for the activities of the partnership, which occurs within the normal line of business of the partnership and such liabilities is without limit.

 Therefore it is advised that right from the conception of the partnership, the partners should put into proper perspectives, the scope and extent of their rights and the duties attached thereto, in order to safeguard against any ultra –vire activities. This position was well illuminated by the supreme court of Nigeria in the case of


Also every partner in a partnership is entitled to be indemnified for liabilities incurred by him on behalf of the partnership in the course of the business of the partnership, either as an ongoing concern or upon its dissolution

To ensure a partnership that can stand the test of time, it is advisable that all the rights, obligation, retirement, liabilities of partner would be properly stated so in the event of any problems, the life of the partnership could continue. It is however doubtable if there can be an all embracing agreement especially when a senior partner of a partnership pulls out of a partnership. The foreseen consequences may undoubtedly be the end of the partnership.

Secondly, where the agreement is documented and a partner contract in the name of the partnership where in fact he has no such authority, such a partner may be personally liable for such a debt but if it is on the contrary, the partnership may have to bear the burden of the debt.

Please note that there is no special mode of forming a Partnership, it may be inferred from the conduct of parties.

 The case of UREDI V DADA 1988 1 NWLR (PT 69)237SC is very instructive.

It should also be noted that as general rule a minor under the age of 18years can not be a partner in a firm however, the Registrar has the discretion to refuse to register him or can accept his registration if the minor’s signature is countersigned by a Magistrate, Legal Practitioner or Police officer of or above the rank  of an Assistant Superintendent of Police.            

Also note that in a partnership a 3rd party can sue the partners individually since there is no distinct corporate personality between each partner and the partnership as a firm. see the case of


See also


Please take note that in the former Western region which comprises of OGUN, OSUN, OYO, ONDO AND EKITI States, Limited Partnership is registerable and recognized by virtue of the Limited Partnership Act of 1907.

The limited partner does not take part in the management of the business and his liability arising from business failures or defaults are limited.

The following are the advantages and disadvantages of a partnership viz a viz a company limited by share.

(1). In the case of winding up, the liabilities of subscribers of a company limited by shares is limited to the amount contributed by the individual subscriber and their personal effects  are “generally “ left  intact and untouched, while it is the opposite in the case of partnership, where creditors can proceed against the personal assets of the partners in order to satisfy their debts.


(2). A partnership can sue and be sued in the name of the partners, unlike a company limited by shares. See the case of


(3). Generally speaking unless expressly provided in the partnership agreement, the death or insolvency of one of the partners may spell the end of the partnership

(4). While the C.A.M.A expressly provides that a company must be registered before being called a company proper, a partnership agreement maybe oral; by conduct in writing or by deed. See


(5) Partnership is usually smaller in membership compared to a company limited by shares; the capital base of the partnership is normally smaller.

(6). The partnership is a personal investment, members always put in their best to ensure the success of  the partnership, but in a company limited by share, ownership is separate from control and thus, decision may be taken, which may terminate the life of the company, e.g. various banks that failed of recent.

(7). The bankruptcy of a partner can affect the whole partnership while it is not so with a company limited by shares.

  1. There is minimum legal restriction in Partnerships and their activities so long as it is lawful unlike a registered company.
  1. Partnerships activities are not subject to serious public scrutiny unlike the registered company.
  1. There is also no serious formal Statutory Supervision of Partnerships and their accounts are not subject to public scrutiny.


  1. Partners can not provide security to their creditors by way of floating charge over its asset like a registered company
  1. The personal liability of Partners is unlimited
  1. Lack of Perpetual Succession.

Any two or more persons may form and incorporate a company upon fufillling certain statutory requirement for the type of company desired.

The company maybe ”Limited by share” i.e. having the liability of its members limited by the memorandum of association to the amount unpaid on the share respectively held by them (the shareholders) .(2) “Limited by Guarantee” i.e. having the liability of its members limited by the memorandum to such amount as the members may respectively thereby undertake to contribute to the assets of the company in the event of its being wound and (3) “Unlimited “ i.e. not having any limit on the liability of its members.

  1. 21(1) of the companies and Allied matters Act 2004 makes it sufficient clear that a company whether limited by shares or by guarantees or unlimited maybe private or public.

The statutory requirement/conditions precedent which must be met before a company can be incorporated as provided in section 35(2) & (3) of the company and allied matters decree (hereinafter referred to as C.A.M.A.) are namely, the Articles of Association ( which can be regarded as the company’s constitution) and the memorandum of association which the document containing the assets of the company. Comply with S. 27 of C.A.M.A. by stating all what is provided in section 1(a)- (f) & 2 i.e. The subscribers must take up at least 25 percent of the authorized share capital at the time of incorporation the next step will be to visit the federal commissioner for stamp duties, two copies of the memorandum and Articles of Association, which must be stamped as deed in accordance with S.27(6) and two copies of the statement of nominal share capital.

The next point is the corporate Affairs commission which the body is charged with registration and regulation of the activities of the companies in Nigeria. The legal practitioner having paid the appropriate filling fees will deliver to the commission amongst others;

  • The memorandum and Articles of association; duly stamped, notice of the address of the registration office of the company and head office; statement of the list and particulars of first directors of the company with their consent; statement of authorized share capital and a statutory declaration by the legal practitioner that the requirement of the Act has been complied with.

Having complied the CAC has no discretion but to register the company S.36 C.A.M.A. The cases of


The CAC in certain stated cases has the power to refuse the registration of a company.

The legal implications of incorporation upon registration by CAC include

  • From the date of registration, subscribers and any one who later becomes a member shall be a body corporate to be known by the name contained in the memorandum of Association.
  • The company shall be capable of exercising all the powers and functions of an incorporated company including the power to hold land.
  • The incorporated company shall have perpetual succession.
  • The incorporated company shall have a common seal and above all,
  • The incorporated company be a separate legal entity i.e. having the power to act as a natural person. See S. 37 C.A.M.A. and the famous case of


From the foregoing one can easily conclude that an incorporate has many attributes conferred on it by the law upon registration.

However, in order to balance the equation so that an incorporated company may not operate in a manner contrary to the law creating to the law creating it, the C.AM.A.  Provides for remedies which are termed disadvantages to a company incorporated so that if an incorporated company deviates from the envisaged position of the law, any aggrieved member or persons affected can proceed against the members of the company or directors. This is called lifting against the members of the company or directors. This is called lifting the veil. For instance a director who has been fraudulent can be removed by virtue of S. 253 & 254 C.AM.A. as he stands disqualified already.   

     The lifting of the veil of incorporation marks a change in the altitude of law to its own creation, i.e. the juristic personality of the Company. This change is not only peculiar to Nigeria but noticeable in the continent and in America.

   The veil of a company will be lifted where the number of members is reduced below the prescribed minimum as provided in S.93 of the C.A.M.A and the company carries on business for more than six months while the number is so reduced amongst others.

Any member who is or was aware of the defect within this period shall be jointly and severely liable for all the debts contracted by the company within this period.

It should be noted that liability here is against the members rather than directors who would have had the knowledge of the reduction. This is provided for by S.93 of C.A.M.A. See the case of


Secondly, wherever a company is insolvent the person or persons who carry on business or is shown to have held all the company’s shares during this defined period shall be liable in respect of obligation of the company which existed during this period.

Thirdly, the veil of the company will be lifted if in the course of winding up, it is discovered that the business was carried on with intent to defraud creditors of the company or creditors of any other persons. See S.253 &254.

Fourthly, C.A.M.A.  Insist on the recognition of the separate entity of each individual company in associated companies within the same group enterprise as such, a holding company cannot sue to enforce a right which belongs to its subsidiary nor is it liable for its subsidiary breach of contract or tort.

One can infer from the various sections of C.AM.A earlier quoted, that the law never intended a company to be created without the requisite checks of its activities especially where the company goes contrary to its objects as contained in its memorandum of association.

Conclusively, though the modern company in Nigeria enjoys or is conferred with a lot of attributes that makes it. carry out its activities smoothly however, the state on the ground of public policy makes provisions for the checks probably on the tortuous principle that “a man should not profit from his own wrong”

Please note that the total number of members in Private Company should not exceed fifty excluding persons who are bonafide in the employment of the Company or ex employees who after the determination of their employment continued to be shareholders in the Company. See Section 22(3) of the CAMA 2004.

A Private Limited Company is however exempted from holding the compulsory Statutory Meeting required to be held by a Public Limited Company within a period of six months from incorporation. See S211 of the CAMA 2004.  

A private limited Company can not issue out its shares to the Public to subscribe to and the transfer of its shares is restricted to members of the Company. In other words a member of a Private Limited Company who desires to dispose his/her shares can only transfer such shares to a member of the company.

Though the statutory requirement as expected of a limited liability such as the filling of the different returns is enormous, but the advantages are also very much and it is very much recommended.


To a lot of people, a contract is synomymous with a written document, however, in practical terms, this is not usually the case because a contract may either be written or oral.

There are basically two (2) types of contract and these are a simple conract and a contract under seal(Deed).

Briefly, a contract unders seal/deed, must be in writing  AND  must be executed.

In view of the strict need to confirm to formality the validity of a contract under seal is more as to form than as it is to substance.


A simple contract on the other hand can be defined as all other forms of contract that is not under seal.

A simple contract may be in writing or oral

Most contract entered into by by SMEs are basically of the Simple Contract and so the Simple Contract will be our major concern in this discussion.

It should be noted that for a simple contract to be valid it must have some very basic essential elements, these elements include the following, there must be an offer, there must be an acceptance, consideration and capacity.

Therefore, before a contract can be regarded as valid and enforceable by the courts,there must be an offer, acceptance, consideration, capacity to contract and an intention to enter into legal relations.

Under a simple contract, generally, it is only a party that has furnished consideration that can bring an action to enforce the contract.

It should also be noted that a simple contract may be expressed or implied from the conduct of the parties.

It should be pointed out that the fact that parties have between themselves agreed to enter into a contract or the fact that the contract is valid does not automatically make the contract enforceable.

There are many mitigating factors that may affect the enforce ability of a contract and these includes.

  1. Illegal
  2. Fraud
  3. Capacity.

           Like all things human, a party to a contract may after entering into said contract either knowing or unknowing breach the contract in its entirety or a party of it.

            Where there is a breach of contract by any of the contracting parties, the other party has some remedies to fall back upon and these remedies include the following

  1. Damages
  2. Specific Performance


 Every indication is that copyright piracy, trademark counterfeiting and patent infringement have become significant problems in the business community in general and more particularly with small businesses.

Small businesses are more suspectible to IP related issues because of their financial abilities and it is therefore recommended that they take all necessary measures to protect themselves in these wise.

There are different types of Intellectual Property Right available to an SME namely, Copyright, Trade Mark and Patent.

These rights are of different natures and characteristics.

While Copyright is a right that protect intellectual activities pertaining mostly to works that are publications in character, such as Music, Art and print, Trademarks protect the right to business marks and intelligence and Patent protect activities that pertain to the process of doing things.

Most SMEs have trade name(s) and trademark and some may have valuable confidential business information, from customer list  to sales tactics and recipes that they may have to protect from competitors.

It has been discovered that in modern day businesses where businesses are more intellectual based a welled protected intellectual Right maty be worth Millions of naira in Value.


Also, relevant to protecting your IP right is the need to protect your very necessary business secret and interest through a non disclosure and non competite agreement with your core-staffs, suppliers and business partners.




There are lots and loads of regulatory issues that are current and emerging that am SME is expected to comply with and therefore need to be conversant with their respective demands.

Some of these regulations are general, while some are industry specific.

Some of the Regulatory demands and requirements includes

.     1.   Import and Export Regulations

  1. NAFDAC Regulations
  1. SON Regulations.
  2. Work Place Safety Regulations
  3. Employee Pension Regulation
  4. Taxation issues.
  5. CAC post incorporation compliance issues.

Finally, i will like to remind us that while we are working so hard to build our various business empire and financial future, we must  also always thinks about a workable succession plan for the business to ensure that all our efforts do not go to waste after we are gone to the beyond.

This advise is very important because a lot of very promising businesses had gone to the beyond with their owners and originators because of a well articulated succession plan.

While i wish for you all great success in your journeys toward building global businesses and brands, I will still remind you that the best safeguard is to consult your lawyer(s) when issues arises in your businesses.

Thank you.



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